Unfortunately, there are no guarantees in this game. The approval authorities such as the FAA or DoD make the final decision regarding aircrew fitness for flight. This includes mental health and substance use disorders. However, we always aim to keep the skies safe, give our clients unbiased consultation, and advocate on your behalf to keep you flying!
There is an initial consult fee. Continued HIMS AME services are billed hourly. The price varies based upon the complexity of your medical case and number of specialty consultants you may need to use see. This will be discussed at your initial consultation. Inquire for more information.
The Human Intervention Motivational Study (HIMS) program was designed to help pilots with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Most of our HIMS AME patients are pilots or pilot applicants with a history or current diagnosis/treatment for ADHD/ADD, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, gender dysphoria, substance (drugs or alcohol) abuse, substance dependence, positive drug screens, or other drug or alcohol related incidents such as DUI's/DWI's.
The FAA has created very specific processes to medically certifiy applicants with the above mental health conditions. Many of these processes are quite confusing. In some cases a HIMS AME is a mandatory requirement from the FAA. We help the pilot or applicant follow the FAA's procedure for their specific diagnosis or treatment. Our expertise in this area save the airman significant time and money as well as giving them their best chance for ultimate certification and a future in aviation.